Wede Waheed, whose real name is Tope Adebayo, is a renowned Nigerian filmmaker, producer, lawyer, and actor. He is the son of the legendary Adebayo Salami, popularly known as Oga Bello. Tope Adebayo gained widespread recognition for his performance in the 2020 film Kinni Igbeyawo.
As a director, he has worked on numerous acclaimed films, including Jagun Jagun, King of Thieves, Kesari the King, Inside Life, President Kuti, Jelili, and many others. In an exclusive interview with City People reporter Olusola Abiodun at the Odunlade Adekola Film Production (OAFP) Awards, Tope revealed that directing Femi Adebayo’s movie Jelili was a turning point in his career. Below are excerpts from the interview.
As a well known director, can you tell us how you started your directing career?
I joined the industry as a dancer and after some years I converted myself to a production designer because of my creativity. Then, I was learning from my dad because I joined Awada Kerikeri organization to know more about the industry. When I joined I worked around some people.
There was a day I worked with Yemi Amodu. On that set Yemi Amodu gave the opportunity to assist him by directing. When he saw my job he told me sincerely that I should forget about production designing, that I am good in directing than production designing. I was not too sure of myself. I was on another set with Ojo Pagogo and he said the same thing. So I went to my father and he first made jest of me that I do not know what it takes to be a director. Faithia was there and she said to my dad that he should give me a chance and she assured me that she was going try me. She said, “I have five projects and Tope bet me you will direct the five movies.” I started with those project, to God be the glory people appreciated it and they accepted me as a director.
After then I started taking directing courses. Thereafter, the first job I directed that put me out was Jelili and people were amazed when the movie was out. After Jelili, I directed Ijewuru, Kini Igbeyawo, Iran Mi, Asiri Owo, Igberaga, Iman, Breadwinner and many more. That was how the directing journey started for me.
We learned that you are one of the directors in Seven Doors movie, can you tell us how it went?
Well Seven Doors is not the first movie I will be directing for Femi Adebayo. In every Femi Adebayo job I have always been the director and sometimes I co-direct. Like I said earlier Jelili was solely directed by me, King of thieves was directed by me and Adebayo Tijani, and Jagun Jagunwas directed by me and Adebayo Tijani. Seven Doors was co directed by Femi Adebayo, Adebayo Tijani and I.
Seven Doors was a challenging project because we wanted to set our standards compared to Jagun Jagun. So Seven Doors is a historical movie, a drama, culture and tradition and full of action. Before you can beat action in a drama it’s not an easy task. It’s a bit challenging because there were so many effects we wanted to bring to life. VFX effect, like timbers of tree falling on cars is not easy, we used scenes of accident for real.
Seven Doors will be coming out on December 13th. I am sure what you are going to see on seven doors is something you will not want to miss.
I want you to tell us about your growing up and your educational background?
I was born in Oyingbo, Ebute Meta Lagos. I did my elementary school here in Lagos and I moved to Ilorin for my secondary education at C&S College Ilorin. I went to technical school for three years and I went to Kwara Poly for Three years and after then I went to study Community Science. During my school days I was a Science student and I was interested in Elect Elect. If I was not an actor I would’ve have been an Electrical Engineer. But I didn’t know God’s plans for me. In my school days I was a very serious type of student, I was shy and I did’t talk to people. But when I joined the industry I started changing and I thank God the rest is history today.