David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, is a renowned Nigerian singer. He recently made a grand entrance in Osun State, driving a car gifted to him and his wife, Chioma, at their wedding ceremony a month ago.
Famous9ja reported that during the singer’s wedding to his wife, Chioma, in June, the couple were gifted a brand new SUV, which many thought was a gift from the singer to his wife.
In videos making rounds online, the singer was seen with the new car, a GN8 MVP, for an event in Osun State. Some of the clips online captured the moment Davido arrived in his hometown with heavy security while cruising in the expensive car. Other clips also captured him with his billionaire father, Deji Adeleke and his uncle, Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke and some family members and Yoruba actors like Laide Bakare and Sanyeri.
Davido was outside today in osun state
And check out his new music video Yebo with txc
Link: https://t.co/oT2pgf0oyu pic.twitter.com/T8ladQCsUW— davidowarrior (@davidowarrior) July 17, 2024
Asiwaju son of Ede land ( Baddest ) @davido and our beloved queen @thechefchi in our hometown ( Ede ) Osun State @Tunegee @B_RedHKN @AAdeleke_01 #victoroshimen #Yoro #ChelseaFC #mohbad pic.twitter.com/HCqGWDAZew— daboy (@daboy3225) July 17, 2024
Davido earlier today in Osun state such a respectful man!! pic.twitter.com/9IK0s0m4fg— diaryofdavidoandchioma (@chiomaandDavido) July 17, 2024
Israel DMW
pic.twitter.com/ITnZ1vdYTO— YabaLeftOnline (@yabaleftonline) July 17, 2024
See some reactions below,
One Sir Nero wrote, “Him don dey drive car wey him buy for him wife?
One Beyond Spring Skincare Spa wrote, “I thought the car was gifted to his wife, Chioma. Abi Chioma no like the car?
One Occ Okeosisii wrote, “This car is everywhere in China
One Events By Adegold wrote, “One thing I love about OBO he is so respectful. A very humble man
One Official Wini wrote, “The car fine oh
One Headboy Online Modrasat wrote, “Nah Chioma get car, nah you dey vex say her husband dey use am. O lor far fun e
One Bisola Judith5 wrote, “Very humble guy, and that’s why he will continue to shine no matter his enemy agenda
One Royals Kitchen Ng wrote, “He doesn’t allow the fame to enter his head. Too much respect for an elders Ori Ade”.