
“Egbami! I thought I found true love”- Lady weeps after going for genotype test with her lover

A TikTok user recently shared her heartache, revealing that her genotype wasn’t compatible with that of her partner.

As it became evident that their genotypes posed a barrier to marriage, the devastated woman tearfully took to a public stage.

Hannah Queen, the woman in question, expressed her disappointment, admitting that she had believed she’d found true love but now faced the realization that their relationship might not lead to a future together.

Hannah was seen sobbing and saying she missed her man. She captioned the video as follows:

“Now that I found true love, genotype wants to separate us. I miss you baby.”

Many social media users are reacting to the video, with some of them offering words of encouragement to Hanah.

Reactions culled below:

Bestie Favour said: “We wey our genotype no dey select we no come see man.”

@Pretty lee said: “I no even know my genotype as I old reach.”

@Smallie commented: “Come to my church, God will change ur genotype. Mine was changed through prayers.”

@ARAMIDE said: “Make we dey check genotype before we start to dey date o.”

@Whitemoney said: “I don’t know my genotype and I’m not ready to do anything, what about those ones who get pregnant without doing genotype.” *