
“Her expression is priceless” – Tailor overjoyed as apprentice graduates from university

As the fresh graduate returned from university, she made a special stop at her tailor’s shop before heading home.

Upon arriving, the tailor laid out a wrapper for her apprentice to walk on, marking the significant occasion of her graduation.

In the video she posted, the young woman visited her boss still clad in her white sign-out attire.

The tailor, her mentor, graciously laid out a wrapper for her apprentice to step on, warmly embracing her with a beaming smile.

Additionally, the apprentice was captured holding a bottle of wine, presumably a gift for her boss.

Check out reactions below..

official_zicknapoleon_01 said: “that woman is coming for that material tomorrow 🙄🙄”

unique nurse 💉💊🩺🩺 commented: “that means u must be very nice to her and obedient”

tiwatiwa00🍭 remarked: “No be my wrapper be that?😂😂congratulations bby girl❤️”

sarahlucky943 penned: “i just remembered that am still in Nigeria”

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