Mercy Aigbe recently took to social media to share the reasons behind her much-needed vacation following the tumultuous events of December. After the devastating fire at her home, she faced another challenge when employees at her store allegedly stole from her.
Mercy candidly discussed these incidents, emphasizing the importance of taking a break amidst personal crises and addressing the betrayal she experienced from her staff.
MERCY AIGBE: Back on the grind, back rejuvenated, back re-energized, back revitalized, back renewed, back like I never left, and back to do a lot of exploits this 2025.
But before I delve into that, let’s throwback to last year, especially December 2024. Last year December came with a lot of gbas gbos. Guys, you know sometimes life throws you curve balls. You just have to learn to navigate and be resilient. I am talking about the fire incident that happened at my place. A lot of you are familiar with the news because I shared it here. That incident left me devastated. I mean, that fire took A LOT, you have no idea. It actually also took the merchandise I went to China to get for the PR of my film Thin Line. Took some of the goods I put in the container because I stored it in the store in the house. The fire started from the store and it was caused by a power surge. Guys, that left me broken. But I still found the strength to thank God because no life was lost, so I kept going.
Like that was not enough, few days or a week after the incident, my staff struck. They did not even have pity on me. I mean, the staff working with me at my business place, my fashion house. They stole from me. It was so bad that I had to get the police involved. I was super overwhelmed with all these things and at that point, I knew I had to take a break. I was drained! I had to take a short break, and that I did.