
“I GO PAY MY DEBT, Na my Bukata Too Much”– Actress Biola Bayo Beg Doris Simeon As She Celebrates Her Birthday

Gifted actress and new mother, Biola Bayo, confidently assured her colleague, Doris Ogala, that she would indeed repay her debt. During the festivities of the movie star’s birthday yesterday, Biola Bayo wholeheartedly promised to fulfill her financial responsibilities, mindful of her numerous financial obligations.

In expressing her deep admiration for Doris, Biola portrayed her as the epitome of a true friend – someone you can always count on. Biola praised Doris for her selflessness, dedication, playful spirit, and unwavering cheerfulness.

Biola genuinely appreciated all that Doris does and seized the moment to reaffirm her love and admiration for her dear friend.

“Hurray! My Abino is a year older today.

Please join me and celebrate my kokoye friend. If selflessness was a person, then it will be Doris.
Hardworking Doris. My ever-playful and smiling Doris. My troublemaker Doris (Doris can look for Jesus’ trouble if he has one but thank God Jesus loves you with all your trouble).
My one and only kerosene friend (Iya kii sun).
Doris is a friend you can count on through thic and thin”.
I can go on and on about you babe.
We all need a Doris in our corner.
Thank you for all you do sister girl, I go pay my gbese o, na bukuta too much this season.

I love you so much sis and I wish you many happy returns”.