Fast-rising actor Abdul Raheem Wahab, popularly known as Sunday Jatto, is a talented young actor, filmmaker, and comedian born on April 12, 2006, in Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria.
Sunday Jatto began his acting career at a young age and has quickly become a household name, thanks to his comedic on-screen presence.
In a recent interview with Olathefunny, he was asked if he is troublesome, to which he replied, “I am only wicked to those who are wicked to me.” When questioned about his absence from acting, he revealed that he had taken a break to focus on his studies, as he recently gained admission into a university. He explained, “I can’t put two sticks in the fire at the same time.”
However, the actor reassured fans that he plans to release many new movies soon and urged them to stay tuned for his upcoming projects.
The video sparked mixed reactions among fans, with many curious about the specific university he has been admitted to.
See comments below
Ajibola wrote: Primary school or secondary.
Dauda wrote: Please what’s the real age of this guy. Someone should help please. Thank you in advance
Oniroyin wrote. You will not die at the junction of your glory echo Amen
Mrsmart wrote: Jato is a very nice guy, when he came to shoot in my house in osun state he’s very kind and playful
Ola wrote: Wow wow I love this interview have been searching for what happened to him ❤️❤️❤️
Folake wrote: Is this guy your real brother because you two look likes
Lateef wrote: Mo nice sawon to nice simi, mo buru sawon to buru simi, ododo oro ni walahi more wisdom dear
Another funny interview ❤️♬ original sound – Olathefunny