
My husband’s side chic gave me acIId as organic product for face – Woman alleges

In a disturbing revelation, a woman has come forward to expose her husband’s mistress for allegedly deceiving her into using acid instead of an organic product on her face.

In a video circulating on Instagram, shared by blogger Cutie Juls, the woman recounts how her husband had encouraged her to use what she believed to be an organic skincare product. However, after experiencing severe burns and adverse reactions, she discovered that the product given to her by her husband’s mistress was actually acid.

The woman expresses her shock and outrage at the betrayal, emphasizing the emotional and physical toll it has taken on her. The video serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of deception and infidelity in relationships.

As per her account, the woman’s husband had expressed dissatisfaction with her complexion and dull skin, suggesting that she invest in organic skincare products to enhance her appearance.

Following his advice, the woman reached out to the lady, purportedly her husband’s mistress, who specializes in skincare products.

However, instead of receiving an organic skincare product as expected, she was provided with acid for her face, resulting in severe damage.

Distraught and abandoned by her husband following the incident, she tearfully recounts her ordeal, highlighting the betrayal and devastating consequences of the deceit.

Watch the video below;