A 38-year-old woman has sparked reactions by standing by the roadside in search of a husband after years of prolonged singleness.
Photos of the determined woman have been trending on social media pages.

Tired of being single and unmarried, the woman decided to take matters into her own hands.
She was seen holding a placard, announcing her request to passersby on the street.
Read some comments below:
@kayzywizzzy said: “This is a red flag to all men, she jus lost the chance to get a man”
@Osebify said: “As she was busy eating shawarma and pepper soup and bear from one semi rich man to the other and rejecting good prospect because they were not rich, we kept quit. Let her come back when she is 50.”
@oluwafero_1 said: “Shilo go too full this year 😂”
@A_Abby_Abi said: “If it’s not attention seeking due to joblessness, I don’t know what this is.
Such a shame”
@Na2iVe said: “In few years to come , many rejecting potential suitors because of unrealistic standards will find themselves in this position , and at the end they shall console themselves with “Marriage is not an achievement “ 😂”