
“Pablo and mablo don born babylon” — Netizens react to baby girl’s outfit

A baby girl’s attire has become the talk of the town on TikTok due to its extravagant nature, especially considering her young age.

The video, posted by the girl’s mother on her account @susanchristabel, shows the mother lamenting that her baby doesn’t allow her to film videos in peace.

In the video, the little girl is dressed in a coordinated jacket and funky shorts, complemented by a styled wig.

However, many netizens are not satisfied with the choice of the outfit for the child and proceeded to inform the mother of their opinion in the comments.

See some reactions below

@Vinciane Apple stated: “I don’t even know who dey give all this small girls belle see waitin she wear for de baby head 😂😂😂😂”

@Browneydiva🍑🍑 commented: “Someone said:I think say na puppy at first glance 😩😂😂”

@Lucia 🦋 ❤️ stated: “When you dress am like masquerade why she go let you go do video in peace 😩😂😂”💕 asked: “Do you people do this things on purpose?????”

@cindarella111 reacted: “Pablo and mablo don born babylon😂”

@olawumi387 opined: “the baby is actually telling you she needs fresh air but you won’t notice🥺 afi TikTok😫😭😹😹”

Watch video here;