Nollywood actress Damilola Oni recently shared adorable photos of herself at the gym on Instagram. In one of the pictures, she was seen with her colleague, Khazim Danmola. Both actors flashed radiant smiles, exuding excitement as they posed for the camera.
In her caption, written in Yoruba, Damilola expressed her unwavering commitment to her profession. She declared her dedication to her craft, affirming that success is inevitable with her determined approach.
Damilola Oni is a renowned Nollywood actress, primarily known for her roles in Yoruba movies. She is a talented film producer, writer, filmmaker, creative director, and a sought-after brand ambassador and influencer with a significant following on Instagram. Damilola is highly skilled in portraying and interpreting roles with excellence, earning admiration from fans and industry professionals alike. She has featured in numerous Yoruba films and has also produced several movies, showcasing her versatility and creativity in the entertainment industry.
These adorable pictures shared has stirred reactions from her colleagues and lovely fans. Checkout some people’s comments below.
Danmola wrote: Beeni o Aseye ni o..No option.. Bigdamz with the good vibes 😍❤️
Iampipeton wrote: Number 1….iyalaya won 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Oluwaseyi wrote: I always like your choice of music 😍😍😍
Easycare wrote: My baby don go gym. Don’t stress yourself ehn😩😩😩
Abbey wrote: The biggest Damz 😍😍😍😍