Renowned Nollywood star and filmmaker Toyin Abraham is celebrating the phenomenal success of her latest blockbuster, Alakada: Bad and Boujee, which has earned an impressive ₦205 million within just 10 days of its release.
Expressing her gratitude and excitement, Toyin shared how the movie has shattered her previous box office record.
Alakada: Bad and Boujee premiered in cinemas nationwide on December 20th and has captivated audiences with its blend of humor and heartfelt moments. As a continuation of the beloved Alakada franchise, the comedy-drama has struck a chord with viewers, delivering both laughter and emotional depth.
Reacting to the news, Toyin Abraham expressed her gratitude and excitement in a heartfelt post on her Instagram page. She reminisced on how her cinematic movie, Malaika hit 105 Million within the same period of time.
I have always said that beating my own record is the goal, and by God’s help, I have been able to achieve it.
As of 10 days last year, I sold ₦105 million, but this year, we have sold ₦205 million as of yesterday. That is 95.24%. This is God. This is growth. This is also love from fans and cinema attendants.
Many people have tried to put down this work, but God, in His infinite mercy, has continued to show Himself as God.
Thank you, Nigerians. Thank you, cinemas. Thank you, my fans. Thank you, Toyin Titans. Thank you to my distributor and my support system (you know yourselves). I do not take your love and support for granted.
Let’s go again this week! Alakada: Bad and Boujee is showing in cinemas nationwide. Let’s watch it and encourage others to see it too!